Salade de Tomates


Tomatoes! Simply tomatoes is all you need. I could eat tomatoes all week long when it’s freshest at the peak of summer. Here, I used a variety of seasonal tomatoes and on the plate are Green Zebra, Cherokee Purple, Beefsteak, Woodle Orange and Vine Cherry Tomatoes. Topped with fresh mint leaves, feta cheese and drizzle over balsamic vinegar. Fresh, juicy, sweet and healthy. Yums! No specific ingredients and method included in this post, just add the freshest tomatoes you can find and wing it with the sauce and salad toppings as you like : )

Stacy Tjoa

I am a Singaporean living in France. Singapore is a melting pot of cultures and like a true blue Singaporean, food is well loved and always a hot conversational topic. While I am trained in digital design and marketing, this website is an outlet for me to document on asian and french food, culture and adventure.  I give all credits of my asian recipes to my mum who is an amazing cook and runs her Indonesian food business in Singapore.

Moules au Roquefort