Pain Perdu / French Toast
There’s a french saying “Long comme un jour sans pain” that translates to “Long as the day without bread”. Fresh baguette is our household staple. We have it with all kinds of meals, often with cheese and charcuterie or french food and one too many times even with asian food. We buy La Baguette at least 4 days a week and buying 2 baguette at the boulangerie each time often leaving it to turn rock hard! I’ve thrown one too many breads in the bin and i’m guilty of waste so making Pain Perdu is redemption. So what do you do to stale bread? You revive it! Soften the breads by dipping in a mixture of milk and eggs!
Slice baguettes 2 inches long.
In a separate bowl, add 1 egg, milk and vanilla sugar or vanilla essence with regular white / brown castor sugar.
On a swallow pan / grill, add butter on low heat. Quickly dip the bread into the liquid mixture and transfer to the hot pan. Turn over only when the sides are crisp an slightly “burnt”.
If you’d like, sprinkle castor sugar over the toasts. This adds texture and extra crunch!
Stale baguette (8 to 10 sliced pieces)
1 beaten egg
1 packet of vanilla sugar (7.5 grams)
250ml of milk
80g of salted butter
Slice stale baguette into 2 inches long pieces and leave aside
In a bowl, crack 1 egg, add the milk and vanilla sugar and mix well
Using a swallow pan or grill, heat with butter. Dip the sliced bread into the mixture and quickly transfer onto the heated pan
Flip the bread only when one side has turn golden brown
Now the best part! Sprinkle with castor sugar, icing sugar or a drizzle with honey and enjoy.
Breakfast and tea break, sorted! No bread waste too! : )